Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Roma ro ma ma

So hi I’m Christina and im a gigantic FAIL at blogging. I know ive been noticeably absent but that’s only because I am just so busy and important. No, but really. Ive been going nonstop for the past week(ish) and the whole “no internet” thing is really cramping my style. I try to go to the internet point for LDM but frankly I don’t like walking 10 minutes and sweating half my body weight to go sit in a computer lab where obnoxious jersey shore people are yelling “oh my GAAAHD” with their blinding orange tans. (I actually had a strange encounter with one of said jersey shore freaks last night. I guess ill cover that later.) SBI. (Sorry bout it.) Speaking of that, half the people on this trip talk like me now. I’m in heaven. Sorry bout it, Shiz, and numerous abreevs are part of everyones vocab. Phenomenal. I don’t know where I left off on my last blog because im writing this on Microsoft word in my apartment so I can just copy/paste later, so I guess I’ll just start with the Rome weekend because it was perfect. Slash I just opened my pictures so I can remember everything we did and I remember that the day before we left for Rome a bunch of us went up to Michaelangelo point at night….to do some necking in the car. That’s a lie. But anything with a “point” at the end seems like a place where teenagers would go to make out. There was hundreds of stairs we had to climb…and they weren’t even normal human stairs. They were made for giants so like 1 stair would equal like 2 ½ human steps. WTF. So we got to the top and im sweating (that’s a surprise) but the view was FANTASTIC. We’re actually going there tonight to watch the sunset and drink wine. Ive heard it’s the Florence equivalent to the Sacre Coeur if that helps anyone (Jessica). Then we went to a bar named Easy Living which was on the river and, if im not mistaken, was made out of plywood and green tissue paper. Were going there tonight too so ill take a pic. It’s a pretty bumpin place with the locals so obviously I fit right in…hahaha. Carly was being really funny (as usual) and pretending this mansion we saw was hers…I guess it doesn’t sound funny but I was laughing awkwardly hard at it. Also we went to a fun Indian Restaurant and I had Chicken Tikki Masala. Our waiter didn’t really speak English or Italian. But he did know how to say Chicken Tikki Masala. He sounded reminiscent of Leslie’s Slumdog Millionaire impression. I don’t know where that fits in…I think it was before Michaelangelo point. Oh well. I fail at temporal order too. K ROMAAAA. We met at about 9 at the McDs in the train station and I got a McMuff. That was a necessary fact to include. God. We took a train there and I got to sit by Miss Gwendolina and Jonny (who was technically a zombie at this time, not quite a morning person). The train ride included Gwen and I laughing the entire time and listening to Lil Mama’s smash hit “Lip Gloss” and mouthing all the words. Our seat neighb was a Nun who didn’t appreciate our antics. Oh and Jonny woke up to tell us he drooled, which we wouldn’t have known otherwise but I guess its cool to share that kind of thing. We got to Rome and it was excruciatingly hot but less humid so I guess that was the silver lining. Our hotel was adorbs and near the train/subway station. I was rooming with Gwen but then shiz happened with bug spray and allergies so I ended up rooming with Sara. Nicole and Rach were in a dungeon-esque room with a special little place for someone to be put on time out. Fun Fact. We went for lunch at a cute little bar off the main street where I had an ICED CAFFE LATTE which I jimped for because no one has iced coffee. Gelato is the equiv of our Starbucks which is a cause of mild panic for me so this was a treat. Everyone else got cocktails so we could get nice and loosey goosey for our tour of the Vatican hahahahah. Chiara spilled her drink so we had to cut her off. We got to the Vatican museum and Abs and Gwen were noticeably absent but they ran up all sweaty right as we were walking in. Apparently we all left without them. Oops. Also, the Vatican doesn’t appreciate shoulders or thighs so we were all wearing conservative pilgrim dresses with shawls and other gross things. Except Anthony who was looking sharp in his slacks and dress shirt. I don’t know why we all liked his outfit so much but we kept talking about it hahaha. The Vatican museums were awesome. I know that’s an understatement but theres art that dates back to the 1400s that I could just like…touch. America wasn’t even a twinkle in Britain’s eye at this point. I don’t know if that’s even an accurate thing to say but I do what I want. Id like to think im a ceiling kind of girl. I like ceilings that are pretty. So I really liked the museums. That was an all around stupid group of sentences I just produced. We went to ….you know…that church that michaelangelo painted…I really can’t remember the name. Im an idiot. You know, the one representing the creation, where God is like playing fingersies (opposite of footsies) with Jesus. I just know that we weren’t allowed to speak and it was dark in there to preserve all of the frescos. And I saw this girl crying hysterically and I remember staring awkwardly at her until she saw me. Relevant. We went into St. Peters and THAT was for sure my jam. I could have stayed there all day. The light was like pouring in and it was perfect. And then I got lost from my group which was nice. I had a foreign person take my picture in the front of the church and it sucked but she didn’t really know what was going on so I didn’t make her take another one. So I strolled along and looked at everything and even said a few prayers (Mama would be proud). Then I remembered I was lost. So I mosy on outside and look for my friends who are used to this by this point. I see Nicole and then we take pictures in the square and in the middle of the street. She said theres a point that you can stand on and all of the columns align and you can only see one row of them instead of all 3. This intrigued me until I spotted a gift shop so I went there instead. I bought a charm for my “Places of the World” charm bracelet my grandparents make for me and I bought some giftys. Then noticed how nasty I was so we headed home to shower before dinner. Dinner was at a cute little restaurant and it was also Brettas birthday so that was good times. We had white wine, antipasto, wine, fresh tomato pasta, wine, alfredo pasta, wine, some meat shiz, wine, and tiramisu. And more wine. Basically we were suuuuuuper drunk. I was sitting with Nicole and Rach and we kept toasting to numerous things. HAHA im loling just thinking about it. So then we went out to an ice bar! A BAR MADE OF ICE. You go in and they give you a poncho thing so you don’t die of hypothermia and then you go into like an ice cave and they give you your drinks in cups made of ice. I ate my cup. It was the sickest. Then we went to this super fun club in a castle or something I don’t quite remember. That was creep central. Like I cant fathom how Italian men think its cool to just grope. There was a lot of “No Grazie”s and “Vie”s thrown around. So we danced with randos to all of our fave songs like Waka Waka, No Speak Americano, and I love Donce. Nicola made a playlist so we can jam out in our house to these too hahaha. The next day I didn’t wake up in time for breakfast (shocker) so we went straight to the coliseum which was BAD ASS. We had a tour through it and she showed us all the ancient skirts the gladiators wore. And She showed us where they used to torture lions and shiz to get them all riled up and hungry so they could nom on warriors that tried to fight them. That was kind of sad actually. It was pretty amazing. You can look at pictures and stuff but you just have to go there to experience it. Fun times. Oh, also. In more pictures than not, theres someone creeping in the background. That’s not because were creepy, its just because it never gets old to us. FYI. Gwen bought a fan and called herself the fan fairy which was…normal. Then we went to the Roman Forum which might have well been the sahara desert. I wanted to die. SO HOT. So that was more ruins I guess. Fun to look at. Its def cool to see how people lived back in the day. Then we went to the Pantheon and I guess Barron Davis from the Clippers was there. I didn’t know who he was. I walked right past him and then Jonny went into cardiac arrest at the sight of him. They were also doing construction on the front of the building which was BS. I think this was earlier in the day but we witnessed a Gypsy fight. Homeboy straight up YANKED gypsy off the subway. We were all like……um….did anyone see that gypsy get owned. Quite frightening. Oh and my pen exploded in my purse. Good times. K Back to the Pantheon. After that we went to the Trevi Fountain. That was one Baller fountain. HUGE! Like you don’t realize how big it is. I threw a couple coins in so I can for sure come back one day. Then everyone was like “OMG WE HAVE TO GO TO THE SPANISH STEPS!” so obvi we all walk ALL THE WAY ACROSS ROME to get to these amazing steps and we get there and its straight up just…stairs. Stairs? So after that colossal disappointment, we played in the fountain a little bit and then caught the train early to go back to watch the World Cup Finals. When we got home we played Kings cup in our apartment with Strawberry and Apple vodka which was a GLD. Not. Then we bought more beer (PS I have a favorite Italian Beer and its Birra Moretti. Fun Fact.) and went to Jonnys apartment to watch it where we played more Kings Cup. I got Eric (E$) out on “Never have I ever been a ginger.”HAHAH. Alex got locked in the bathroom and didn’t know how to get out which was hilarious. I think Gwen got it on video. All of us were trying to open the door and poor Alex was like “I REGRET HAVING TO PEE” and when we finally got the door open, he was like on his knees with his hands in the air. Yep, that’s reality. It was a perfect weekend and theres so much more I could write. Oh Well. When in Rome. PS Enjoy the ice bar pic where were waiting to be flash frozen...(copyright carly 2010). and also stay tuned for Capri because it ranks in the top of favorite weekends ive ever had.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this at work. BLD. I'm tearing up and keep making strange noises to mask my laughter. I also keep looking over my shoulder to make sure no one sees me being a time thief. First off, not a fan of that new abbrev, and I'm sad that phrase has made a trans-Atlantic journey. Also thanks for that Paris ref, i can totes picture it now. I can't believe you got freakin drunk for the Vatican. May God have mercy on your soul. That church is called the Sistine Chapel btw. I like ceilings too! and fingersies made me laugh internally. It's really easy to get lost there - we misplaced Lleyana for like hours. I love donce ahahhha. and what exactly did you expect the spanish steps to be? you should have taken the subway, the stop is legit right next to it. i'm so jealousssssssssss. i was at an italian restaurant today and i thought of you and how the food you eat on a daily basis is like 10x better than what i was eating. a steak panini in case you must know, which really isn't italian but whatevs. mish you <3
